Wednesday, April 3, 2013

St Antony's Church Coonoor, India, 1946.

This is my Mum and Dad, Harry and Nancy McCormack, on their wedding day. It's funny how I never say Dad & Mum or Nancy & Harry!

Not long before these photographs were taken, Mum's name was Nancy St Clare Sayers Ince! She was born on Sunday 11th June 1922, Kolar Gold Fields, Bangalore, India. She grew up in the Nilgiri Hills near Coonoor. Dad was also born on a Sunday, 9th December 1923. He grew up in Port Sunlight. I’m not sure where Dad was born, maybe Clatterbridge hospital? Anyone know?

That’s what this blog is all about, being able to get the facts right and then write them down, so they are not forgotten. I am Mum & Dad’s youngest son, David. I have a sister Anne, and two brothers, Robert and Keith. I hope, with their help, that this blog will develop into a family archive of photographs and memories.

Harry & Nancy.

Mum & Dad.

Mum & Dad.


  1. I'm pleased to have made a start with this blog. It will be great to get comments from my family and help in naming places and faces! So first question, where exactly was Dad born?

  2. i,m reasonably sure dad was born at clatterbridge..but maybe we should check birth cert?..on something like genes reunited?...Rob


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