Friday, April 5, 2013

Turn it over.

Old photographs can tell us so much, but without someone to tell you when or where it was taken or even who is in the picture, then they can hide many things. The few photographs of my Mum & Dad’s that do have some writing on the back, are a real treasure amongst the many photos of the anonymous faces of my distant relatives. Even when you know who is in the photo, it’s great to be able to turn it over and read a date and place and sometimes even who took the picture!

With digital photography now, times & dates are embedded into all the pictures we take, and if you post your pictures on the social networking websites, then faces can be tagged so everybody knows who everybody is! But if you take a photograph today, and get it printed to put in a family album, then get yourself a good quality pen or soft pencil, turn your print over and write on the back the date and place and who is in the picture. Your relatives will thank you one day!

Back of print.

Mum & Dad with Rob.
Photographer: Keith McCormack!

1 comment:

  1. Well would save a lot of future family frustration! We have a cousin Diane who labels every photo without fail. Well done Mum for labelling this one'
    You look so like Dad here Dave.


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